Jamie Parker: „Punimals“ – Wortspiele aus Wissenschaft und Natur
Hey! My name is Jamie Parker , I´ve been carrying out my PhD in the Marine Evolutionary Ecology research group at GEOMAR, exploring the evolutionary mysteries that surround the marvel that is male pregnancy in seahorses and pipefish.
Following work with a number of global marine conservation NGOs, the position at GEOMAR was a welcome challenge in a field that I had not yet explored. Marine biology has always been a huge part of my life, even if I was oblivious to its influence at an early age.
As a kid, my first obsession was sharks, followed closely by my second obsession… Drawing sharks. I without doubt have the underwater world to thank for my artistic interests and still to this day animals heavily influence my drawings. Equally, during my academic education I have realised that my creativity plays a huge part in my work life too, whether it’s for designing experiments, creating posters or giving presentations.
For me, there is an obvious crossover between art and science, however, I feel there are also restrictions that exist in academia that can limit your artistic license. Beyond these restrictions, where the rules do not apply, is where I produce my favourite artwork. I have always enjoyed incorporating my humour and personality into my pieces, experimenting with new and risky ideas, whilst still using the natural world as my inspiration. I find the process relaxing and it often provides a distraction from the repetitiveness of day to day life.
Over the past year I’ve found a new obsession, designing what can only be described as ‘punimals’ (puns + animals). Every other day I challenge myself to design an organism that could not be further from the forms recognised in science. I get the feeling that disentangling nature’s mysteries through my research and chaotically corrupting it with my drawings somehow strikes a bizarre balance. I hope you get as much enjoyment from these drawings as I did, when creating them.
Lernt Jamie und seine Arbeit noch mehr kennen:
Ihr findet weitere Arbeiten, auch fotografische, auf seinem Instagram Accout @spaghetti_shark_art
Lust auf mehr Kunst von Meereswissenschaftler*innen? Dann wird es höchste Zeit die virtuelle Galerie „Sience meets Art“ der GEOMAR zu betreten – hier entlang >>>
Willkommen in der Welt von Jamie Parkers „Punimals“
„Forest for the whales“
Bekommt hier einen Vorgeschmack auf Jamie Parkers neues Zeichenprojekt, für welches er im Gegensatz zu „Punimals“ detaillierte Zeichnungen nutzen wird. Im Fokus steht die Darstellung mariner Lebewesen in fremden Umgebungen.